Clinical preventive health services include medical, nursing, nutrition, social education and environmental interventions designed to assist individuals and communities in obtaining and maintaining an optimal level of wellness.
Family Planning:
- Pap Smear and Pelvic Examination
- Birth Control Options
- HIV Testing – Confidential or anonymous counseling and testing services
- STD – Testing – Testing treatment, and counseling is available for any person concerned about sexually transmitted diseases.
- Flu – Influenza
- Hepatitis A Hepatitis B
- Whooping Cough, Chicken Pox, Diphtheria, Polio
- Measles, Mumps, Rubella
- Tetanus
- Covid
TB Services:
- TB Skin Test
- TB Clinic for those who have positive skin tests
Adult Physicals:
- Physical Assessments for employees of a non-profit agency at a contracted fee
EPSDT – Early Periodic Screening Diagnosis Treatment:
- Physicals for children who are Medicaid eligible
- Physicals performed on a yearly basis to check vision, hearing, growth and development.