Food Service Classes
Food Services Inspections
Facilities that serve or sell food to the public are inspected for cleanliness and food safety. This includes restaurants, bed and breakfast inns, day care centers, nursing homes, grocery stores, temporary food service establishments, restricted concessions, vending machines and mobile food units. Click here for Food Services Inspection Scores.
It is illegal to operate a food establishment without a permit
from the health department. Call at 270-821-5242
Nuisance Investigations
Complaints regarding trash, rodent infestation, sewage and other public health hazards are investigated.
Public Health Inspections
Hotels, motels, schools, mobile home parks, youth camps and recreational vehicle parks are inspected for cleanliness, safety and potential health and safety hazards.
Animal Bites
Investigate reported animal bites. Animal bites must be reported to the Health Department within 12 hours.
For more information call 270-821-5242 Ext. 263
Click here to print Animal Bite Reporting Form